The Bounce Trade stock screener is a quick and powerful tool used by investors to research and analyse stocks, find the best stocks that meet their criteria, and make decisions about what stocks to buy and sell.
Our screener can be used to quickly sort through thousands of stocks, identify trends, and uncover stocks that may be good investments. The stock screener provides investors with a way to quickly analyse stocks by looking at a variety of criteria such as price, volume, market capitalization, and other financial metrics. With a stock screener, investors can quickly identify stocks that meet your criteria, such as stocks with strong financials, stocks that are trading at a discount, or stocks that are trading at a premium.
Real-time market data using our free stock screener
Overall, stock screeners are an invaluable tool for stock market traders.
As such, stock screeners are an essential part of any stock market trader’s toolkit. In combination with Bounce’s Strategy Wizard it is a recipe for automated success.